Friday, November 1, 2013

Seasonal Changes

With the seasons changing, you may notice your muscles feeling sore, your mood not as bright and your skin looking and feeling dehydrated. Our experts at Spa Soak have some tips to help you get through these cooler seasons. 

Is this weather giving you a chill you just can't shake? Warm up this season with a Hot Stone massage. This ancient form of healing uses warmed basalt stones to promote deep muscle and tissue relaxation. Heat deeply penetrates, prompting profound relaxation, detoxification, pain relief, increased circulation, and an overall sense of well being. 
Sarah Brown, licensed massage therapist at Spa Soak

It's autumn. The mornings are dark, and with the time change, nightfall is earlier. These factors, along with the falling temperatures can make us feel a bit gloomy. One way we can help you beat that seasonal funk is to get acupuncture. Acupuncture helps regulate your brain chemistry, relax and de-stress you by accessing your own body's endorphins. Endorphins are what gives a marathoner "runner's high". Many people receiving acupuncture sleep better, have fewer digestive issues, improve their mild depression or anxiety, and have a stronger immune system. 
Dana Hoffman, board certified, licensed acupuncturist at Spa Soak

As we head into cooler weather it is important we prepare our skin, not only for the weather outside, but the warmer temperatures inside as well. This time of year, we go from windy and cold outdoors, to warm and toasty indoors, this can leave your skin feeling dry and irritated, which can lead to premature aging, not to mention looking much more dull. It is important that you talk to your esthetician about the best way to combat all of these factors. Consider switching to a heavier moisturizer, like our Bioelements Crucial moisture for dry skin, or Absolute moisture for combination skin. The licensed estheticians at Spa Soak can help get your skin back on track with a customized facial, as well as determining which products are best for you. 
Jessica Corral, licensed esthetician at Spa Soak

If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please give us a call at (773) 395-9000. 

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